[Magdalen] a slightly paranoid afternoon

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 22:47:18 UTC 2016

I think the whole idea of Trump quitting is wishful/magical thinking. His
ego is far too big to let him do that! He'll just go on claiming that the
election is "rigged"......which of course really plays to his followers,
and the reactionary right as a whole, which believes that the government is
out to "get" them somehow and is looking for any excuse to try to start

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 8/3/2016 3:40:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> mjl at ix.netcom.com writes:
> Last  night a professional psychologist made a cogent case identifying not
> that  Trump is mentally ill, but rather a sufferer of a "character
> disorder".   Meaning, he's perfectly sane, except that he uses that sanity
> to fuel
> his  disordered  character.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> And there is a "news item" that implies the Republican National
> Committee is discussing what they could/will do if Trump decides
> to withdraw his candidacy.  His angry response to criticism over a
> number of his bizarre comments this past week causes them to have
> Plan B ready just in case.
> This is all conjecture and inference, of course, but it's amazing  that
> such things would even be mentioned in a US Presidential race.
> David S.

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