[Magdalen] Good day at St. Bede's

James Handsfield jhandsfield at att.net
Sun Aug 14 20:58:00 UTC 2016

You can see photos at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210169875626051&set=pcb.10210170025589800&type=3&theater <https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210169875626051&set=pcb.10210170025589800&type=3&theater>

I don’t think you need to have a Facebook account to see them.

Education is its own reward, both for the individual and for society.

Jim Handsfield
jhandsfield at att.net

> On Aug 14, 2016, at 4:53 PM, James Handsfield <jhandsfield at att.net> wrote:
> Today was very good today (still going on!).  Bishop Wright was with us today and all three eucharists (including the 5:00 PM in Spanish) and he baptized, confirmed, received, and reaffirmed 50, including a young woman and her child who asked during the peace if she and her son could be baptized.  After the Thanksgiving prayer, the whole group joined the bishop at the font to baptize Jessie and her son.  
> To mark the new starts I’ve had/am having this year - Marcy’s death and my joining AA - I elected to be one of those reaffirmed by Bp. Wright.  
> This afternoon I attended my second grief support group at Hospice Atlanta which was helpful.
> All in all a good day - better than most lately.
> -------------------------------------
> Education is its own reward, both for the individual and for society.
> Jim Handsfield
> jhandsfield at att.net

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