[Magdalen] trivia

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 14:56:27 UTC 2016

I also know a lot of Gilbert and Sullivan, which is dreadfully out of
fashion these days.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I learned that one from my dad. We could probably do a fine duet!
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Marion Thompson <
> marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had to sing it to myself at this end to get the words right. :-)  Kids
>> nowadays don't learn stuff like this, which is a pity because such things
>> learned hands-on, so to speak, at a tender age persist for a lifetime.
>> You never know your luck.
>> Marion, a pilgrim
>> On 8/25/2016 10:33 AM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>>> Ah, back in the good old days when the sun had not yet set on the
>>>>> British Empire and much of the world map (not the USA, of course) was
>>> pink.  In Grade One, with the pull-down world map in front of the
>>> blackboard, I stood next to my desk in the one-room school house and
>>> sang 'The British Grenadiers'.  "Some talk of Alexander, And some of
>>> Hercules, Of Hector and Lysander, And such great men as these.  But of
>>> all the world's great heroes There's none that can compare, with a
>>> tow-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row, The Britsh Grenadiers."<<<
>>> One of these days you must give me a call so I can hear you sing that to
>>> me personally!

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