[Magdalen] Thoughts at 5:30 AM

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Aug 28 10:24:34 UTC 2016

On 28/08/2016 01:12, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> Oh, Judy.  I am so sorry.  I do not remember his name but that means
> nothing.  +Fitz Allison was a fan of John Stott....same book.  I took a
> diocesan course (CET'86) that the bishop required for all Christian
> Educators.  I was DCE at my parish.  I found Stott's theology unbearably
> glued to the right.

Apart from when he was away at school and university Stott's religious 
life was based at All Souls, Langham Place in London. (That strikes me 
as a strange dedication for the church which was the hub of 
Evangelicalism in the Church of England at the time.) Hacing gone there 
with his mother he was ordained to serve as Curate there before being 
Rector for 30 years until the pressure of outside calls for gis ministry 
prompted his resignation, five years after he had appointed a Vicar to 
actually do the work of leading the church.  According to Wikipedia his 
mentor was Eric Nash, an Evangelical priest employed by the Scripture 
union, who saw his ministry as being to call the boys (only boys in 
those days) at the leading public (private in US speak) schools to 
Christ.  The camps he hed were apparently on militaristic lines.

I think it fair to say that Stott had a very narrow appreciation of the 
breadth of Anglican tradition. Now on the other side of the Pearly Gates 
he should be beginning to understand how much he ignored in this life.


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