[Magdalen] Federal court backs law removing religious exemption from vaccinations.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 31 04:16:10 UTC 2016

Denying a child a vaccination (especially in today's world!) is a valid exercise of religious freedom.  Right.

Keep talkin', Rome (and mindless Fundies).  The rest of us will not stop reminding you that your personal version of "religious freedom exercise" has no right and decent connection to the health of the general populace, much less children.


Catholic World News
Federal court backs law removing religious exemption from vaccinations
August 30, 2016

A federal judge has ruled that California’s interest in protecting the health of its citizens takes precedence over the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.

US District Court Judge Dana Sabraw issued his ruling in response to a lawsuit filed against a new state law that removed the personal-belief exemption from the mandatory childhood vaccination law.

“Even outside the context of vaccination laws, the Supreme Court has reiterated the fundamental rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution do not overcome the State’s interest in protecting a child’s health,” the judge wrote in his decision.

“The Constitution does not require the provision of a religious exemption to vaccination requirements, much less a personal belief exemption,” the judge added.

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