[Magdalen] discouraged

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 22:37:15 UTC 2016

Uh...that "would be *hit* by a bus"!!

> On Dec 4, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Judy,
> I am sorry about the loss of your music director; I know how hard that can be, especially if it's not a happy parting.
> But one thing about your post struck me. Can't you plan your funeral service ahead of time, especially wrt music? That way you can keep out the stuff you don't want. 
> I did that almost twenty years ago, and it's in a file somewhere at my home parish. Now...I probably need to look at it before too long to see if I still want the same music, but at least there's something written down, in case I get hot by a bus tomorrow...
>> On Dec 4, 2016, at 4:01 PM, Judy Fleener <fleenerj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am feeling pretty down today.  Our rector is a loosey goosey kind of
>> liturgist who drives me crazy.  I sing in the choir, trying to hold on to
>> what is left of my singing voice.  We have had a marvelous director and
>> organist since September.  She announced her resignation today.  I am
>> devastated.  I told her I was counting on her to keep Eagles Wings, How
>> Great Thou Art, and I Come to the Garden Alone out of my funeral. She
>> laughed and said she would still be doing funerals.  I know that the rector
>> is difficult to work with, I am sorry that it came to this.
>> -- 
>> Judy Fleener, ObJN,SSH
>> Western Michigan

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