[Magdalen] One more liturgy post

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 21:39:51 UTC 2016

Grace, as a pewsitter whose entire life has been given hope by John 1:5,
please preach this gospel, expecially as we begin 2017.


On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com>

> I'm supplying tomorrow at a church that I know well. They're having only
> one service, which will probably be sparsely attended.
> The rector said we need to observe the Feast of the Holy Name instead of
> Christmas 1 and gave me the choice of the two epistle readings. I chose the
> Phillipians 2 passage for that, but I'm really disappointed that we won't
> have the Prologue to John's Gospel. I love preaching on that passage, and
> it seems to me that we need all the light we can get right now.
> The other appointed readings are singularly uninspiring (sorry, but that's
> the way it feels!).
> I have occasionally departed from assigned readings, reading the
> substitution at the beginning of my sermon.
> Your thoughts?

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