[Magdalen] Happy majority, Everett Logsdon.

Sally Davies sally.davies at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 15:15:17 UTC 2016

Donal Rhys, born February 1999, and Evan George born April 2001. I'm not
sure about Donal but am fairly certain I was on the list by 2001. I was
certainly frequenting various Anglican online haunts by 1999.

Donal's now in his Grade 11 year and will finish school at the end of 2017.
Evan's in his second year of High School. Presently waiting down at the
Beach car park for the school bus to pull in...

Sally d

On Tuesday, 02 February 2016, Jo Craddock <jocraddock at gmail.com> wrote:

> I did not recall that he and Rory shared a birthday (and Ginga & John's
> wedding anniversary). Please extend my belated best wishes.
> Am I correct in remembering that The Boy and The Nerdlet are the only
> children among us born during the list life? (I know we have several
> grandchildren among us, but just children, for the moment, please.) R&H
> were about 6/7, I believe, when I joined. Matthew Handsfield? Adam
> Limehouse? (who was among the members for a while, IIRC).
> Pondering the circles tonight, and with
> Peace,
> Jo
> On 01/31/2016 10:53 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>> On the 27th.  18.  But with his training from me, he's more interested
>> into tomorrow's Iowa caucuses than the gifts and money he got from his
>> mother's family this weekend.  My boy.  Ahem.  Pardon me.  The boy.  :-)=

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