[Magdalen] Madeline Albright.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 8 23:40:30 UTC 2016

On 08/02/2016 21:57, ME Michaud wrote:
> As I've said before&often, Reagan's partial dismantling of the public
> education system
> will echo down through several generations. It pains me to think that four
> Democratic
> administrations and three Republican administrations have not put it back
> together
> again.

It's far easier to break things up and tear them down than to put them 
back together again.  This is not helped when you have a group in 
Congress committed to "small government" that will oppose anything that 
aims to have a coherent national system.  Don't get me started on what's 
happening to the education system this side of the pond as it's too 
complicated to explain easily.  I will merely mention the privatisation 
of the railways since 1994 which has brought its own problems, including 
the first company responsible for the infrastructure going bust and a 
number of private companies contracted to do the maintenance, which has 
not always been done properly and has resulted in deaths.


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