[Magdalen] Meatless, but definitely NOT penitential

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 15:56:47 UTC 2016

We had this for dinner last night because it is COLD here, we had a package
of gnocchi that had been hanging around, and we had a big ol' wedge of
gorgonzola that I bought for Super Bowl noshing that we hadn't finished
yet. It was absolutely yummy. If you don't like the blue cheeses, just skip
this, but if you do, the sauce can also be used with other pastas. I think
if used with something like penne or shells it would make you forget all
about mac and cheese.

Gnocchi al Gorgonzola


   - 1 lb gnocchi ( fresh or frozen)
      - 1/4 cup mild gorgonzola, crumbled
      - 1/2 cup butter, melted
      - 3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
      - 1/4 cup whipping cream, warmed
      - pepper


   1. Put crumbled gorgazola into bowl with melted butter and a pinch of
   2. Blend with a wooden spoon until creamy. (I just used my hand mixer on
   low because it was taking so long)
   3. Stir in parmesan and heated cream.
   4. Keep sauce warm.
   5. Bring a large pan of salted water to a boil.
   6. Add gnocchi carefully to boiling water.
   7. Stir and cook briskly.
   8. When they come to surface, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer
   to bowl with the sauce.
   9. Stir well to coat gnocchi with sauce.
   10. Serve immediately.

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