[Magdalen] More of the Same

James Handsfield jhandsfield at att.net
Tue Feb 23 23:09:15 UTC 2016


I visited Marcy this afternoon - she seems to be doing well.  However, even though all the tests were inconclusive, today her speech was much softer and more slurred, and he overall motility was much slower.  I’m afraid there IS some kind of permanent effect from this episode even if we don’t know the source.

I didn’t realize how rattled I was by all of this until I was finally able to get home (around 11:15 PM) and relax a bit.  I thought she was dying.  Marcy was admitted to Hospice inpatient under respite care which gives her five nights.  I decided I’ll take all the time I can and pick her up Saturday afternoon.  In the meantime, do what I need to do to get my head sorted out.  Yesterday was the first day I wasn’t able to get to an AA meeting since my sobriety date (Jan 7) and I missed it terribly.  I went to a meeting this afternoon and will go to another this evening.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.

Education is its own reward, both for the individual and for society.

Jim Handsfield
jhandsfield at att.net

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