[Magdalen] Dead of Winter.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 5 10:23:16 UTC 2016

On 05/01/2016 02:28, Sibyl Smirl wrote:
> Finally getting cold here. I feel like covering the poor daffodils, 
> several inches out of the ground, with mulch, but at the same time, 
> I'm afraid they need what sun there is (was pretty today, just 
> chilly). Those idiots have been up for weeks, and were up to their 
> necks in water for a couple of days (not flooding, for my yard, just 
> lots of rain).  I guess they'll make it, they're tough.  I've seen 
> them up in January before, just not in early December. 

What worries me about these early-appearing Spring flowers is that they 
spend the time between blooming gathering their strength for the next 
year.  They aren't going to have that much time this year and with an 
early Easter I suspect daffodils will be hard to find and expensice.  
Hibernating animals have also been awake a lot longer than normal and 
are probably finding it hard to find food.


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