[Magdalen] Rain.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jan 5 16:17:19 UTC 2016

>>>Heavy rain after drought can cause problems in that it runs straight off 
the land and can cause flooding or go straight down the drains and into 
the sea.  It may not replenish the aquifers inless steady modest rain 
has softened the ground first.<<<

Especially in an area that's flood prone, drought or no drought.  The 1995 flood was about back-to-back storms.  And it's not only about the damage floodwaters can cause, but the topsoil it takes with it.  In 95 I was up in a Chinook a week after the crest, and the bay at the Salinas Rivermouth near Moss Landing was such a lovely shade of brown.

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