[Magdalen] Curse on Masons

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Wed Jan 13 15:51:12 UTC 2016

I have always been amused at the "high church" bowing and scraping
(as my mother always dismissed Episcopal Liturgy) that goes on during
meetings/sessions of the Masons and their auxiliaries such as the
Eastern Star.  These folk were/are all Protestants (heavily  Methodists,
Baptists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists) where formalized
liturgical movements worshipping on Sunday in church were  non-existent
and frowned upon.
Yet these Masonic rituals were very formalized with bowing at "the  altar"
on which a Bible lay occurred repeatedly.  Someone once explained  this
dichotomy by asserting that humans need a certain amount of ritual or
at least body expression in their lives, and if the church didn't  provide
it, then these people got it in their Masonic lodges.
I pointed this out a number of times to my mother (my father died
before I entered the Episcopal Church), and it went right over her
David Strang.

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