[Magdalen] Prayer Request - Roland a\nd Shirley Orr

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 01:07:41 UTC 2016

My prayers as well. What a difficult situation for everyone.

On Saturday, July 2, 2016, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 02/07/2016 15:18, Ginga Wilder wrote:
>> How sad. Lord, have mercy.   I am praying for Roland and for Shirley.
>> Roger, is an assisted care facility available through national health
>> system?
> There's a range of support services for those who temporarily or
> permanently need them.  These range from self-contained apartments or small
> houses where a warden keeps an eye on residents and checks on their welfare
> through ones where catering is provided to residential homes with a nunber
> of bedrooms, including some with a full-time nursing presence. In England
> aby nursing care required is paid for through the NHS but social care is
> charged for.  (I believe in Scotland this is paid for centrally.)  They
> will all have a monthly charge, the level depending on various factors.  A
> few are run by the local authority but the majority are run by other
> organizations who have to cover their costs through fees.
> If someone is assessed as needing residential care then the local council
> may meet some or all of the costs subject to a means test. One problem here
> is that the council may not be willing to pay the going rate for homes'
> fees, which means the home has to find the difference through top-up fees
> paid by relatives or cross-subsidising from other residents' fees.  Another
> issue is a shortage of places in these homes. It used to be profitable to
> convert big old houses (such as vicarages) to this use but that is no
> longer the case.  They need to be much bigger to be financially viable.  As
> a result bed-blocking is happening in hospitals with patients no longer
> needing hospital care but it taking a long time to find a place that can
> offer the care they need.
> I may be jumping to conclusions, but their situation does not sound good
>> at all.  Even if Shirley makes a full recovery.
> I agree, and there must be the thought that being Roland's full-time carer
> for an extended period has contributed to her condition.
> Roger

Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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