[Magdalen] Internet service upgrade.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jul 5 19:57:32 UTC 2016

I'm finally leaving 3 mbps DSL behind, which has been good enough for my minimal needs but with Everett and I sharing a single DSL connection, it finally became something I admitted needed to change.  We're switching to Comcrooks, I mean, Comcast, and going from 3 mbps to 75 mbps.  And as part of my basic cable package will only amount to a $20/mo increase.  Subtract EarthLink's DSL charge and the landline that'll now be disconnected permanently, and I'm actually making out like a bandit.  I'll be paying EarthLink $6.70/mo for an email-only account so as to keep my address of 21 years, but with that being the only effort at remaining the same, all shall be new, and apparently fast (for us, anyway).

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