[Magdalen] On and On it Goes.

Rick Mashburn ricklmashburn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 15:02:57 UTC 2016

Sally, you at definitely right about one thing: I'd vote for Obama in a
heartbeat (again) if he could run!!!

Peace, Rick
On Jul 7, 2016 9:20 AM, "Sally Davies" <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure that everyone would agree with that David.
> The Donald looks, talks and acts like a caricature of the cheap, phony,
> fast-buck salesman with his foot in the door, and yet so many people still
> like him and vote for him anyway.
> Hillary (to me) looks Presidential and I believe she would make a good
> President for all sorts of reasons, but her carelessness might have put
> Service lives at risk and that's a serious problem, isn't it?
> What an abysmal choice - one candidate who's already failed to handle top
> secret material correctly, and another one whom no sane person should want
> anywhere near the "nuclear codes". Though I suppose one can at least argue
> that Hillary has (or should have) learned from her mistakes, whereas we
> probably can't imagine what kind of mistakes Trump would make if he were
> given any real power.
> For people outside the USA, like me, the absolute puzzle is why, out of
> hundreds of millions of people many of whom are fantastic leaders, thinkers
> and fighters for justice, HOW does "the system" end up with these two very
> flawed individuals?
> I'm thinking the same thing about the UK, watching that "snake in the
> grass" Michael Gove on TV and thinking - really - is THIS the best we can
> do? A pox on the lot of them...
> Not that I mean to compare Clinton and Trump as moral or intellectual
> equals because they absolutely are not. But still. If only Obama could stay
> on for another term!!
> Sadly shaking head
> Sally D
> On 7 July 2016 at 16:01, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The USA Today, US nationally distributed newspaper has a front
> > page detailed examination of Donald Trump's dealings over the
> > years with the Atlantic City, New Jersey casino business.
> > This study paints those relationships as what can only be described
> > as sordid.
> >
> > In addition to his checkered dealings with his employees, there  is
> > a history of discrimination (women and blacks), and, of course, his
> > failure to pay for goods and services for the casinos.  The  final
> > multiples bankruptcies of his casinos put the final nails in the  coffin.
> >
> > Also chronicled are his endless disputes with the New Jersey  authorities
> > over the legality (or better, illegality) of Trump's casino  maneuvers.
> >
> > I suppose I'm biased, but the sweeping negative reports in both the
> > New York Times and in USA Today, make Hilary's email "scandals"
> > pale in comparison.
> >
> >
> >
> > David S.
> >
> >
> >

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