[Magdalen] AC of C General Synod GS2016

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 02:41:26 UTC 2016

For those who don't have it already, the live streaming link, when it's 
happening, seems to be:


We survived the overview of the Commission's work and rationale on the 
Canon but I had trouble with the guy at my table who thought it was 
narrow and very biased and didn't reflect scripture.  I did have (some 
of) a beer with him after, but we're at opposite ends of the spectrum 
and he not so subtly claims stronger educated knowledge.  Eeech.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/8/2016 6:22 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 08/07/2016 22:42, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> This afternoon I picked up from Integrity a prayer cloth, a little 
>> knitted square in various stitches to give texture. These were 
>> produced in record time by parishioners at several Toronto churches.  
>> Mine has the little note with it:
>> Grace Church Scarborough made this prayer cloth for you and is 
>> praying for you.  General Synod is a powerful experience.  There are 
>> times when it is exciting, joyful and emotionally moving. There are 
>> other times when it is challenging, overwhelming, even painful  Hold 
>> your prayer cloth in those moment to remember God is with you and you 
>> are not alone.  This prayer cloth was knit for you with prayers for 
>> the fruits of the Spirit. Galatian 5:22
> Where's the darned "Like" button?
> Roger

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