[Magdalen] Prayers / back pain

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 20:10:45 UTC 2016

How is your back feeling today?  Any better?


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>

> Just catching up here.  Do you think that the back pains come from being
> hunched over that sort of close work for so long?  Like Jay's wrist
> problems from repetitive actions.
> Marion, a pilgrim
> On 7/11/2016 2:33 PM, Jay Weigel wrote:
>> Prayers and sympathy from here, along with hopes that nothing more serious
>> will be needed.
>> Mine never quite goes away but does better when I find time to work out or
>> do a series of yoga poses I learned from my Iyengar yoga teacher (who has
>> moved away, dangit). I aggravated it this past weekend with long stretches
>> at the cabbing machine, but I needed a break from wire wrapping which was
>> aggravating my wrists something fierce. Ah, the pleasures of age.....
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Prayers asked for reoccurrence of severe lower back pain which has come
>>> creeping back into my life frequently of late and seems to have come to
>>> stay the last few days. Trying to medicate and take it easy in hopes it
>>> will go away soon but worrying it may need a more serious approach....
>>> Lynn
>>> Sent from my iPhone

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