[Magdalen] Deposit paid

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 19 06:29:36 UTC 2016

On 19/07/2016 04:37, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> Not sure about your plans in Houston but perhaps we could get together the evening of 26th

After a nap that could help get mu body clock adjusted.

>   or for lunch on your way to Dallas on the 27th. I'm close to the interstate you're probably traveling to get to Dallas, I 45.
> What is taking you all the way into the far side of town after you arrive only to head north the next day?

I rely on travel agents who don't know the area.  At least I will have a 
car.  The first itinerary offered had me stay in one hotel then get the 
car the next day from a downtoen location about 9 miles from the hotel.  
The worst "planning" I was offered was when I was 2014 when I asked for 
a hotel in Summerville SC and the closest they got was 200 miles away.


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