[Magdalen] Dem convention

F von Prondzynski F.von-Prondzynski at rgu.ac.uk
Thu Jul 28 19:43:22 UTC 2016

> By your logic, no Senator or Congressperson should run for President.
> Former Presidents don't HAVE to fade out of public service (retiring to 
> the ranch to cut brush).

No, I didn’t say any of that!

If you follow the theories of separation of powers, from Montesquieu onwards, there is a particular separation between the executive and the judiciary that doesn’t exist in the same way between the executive and legislative strands of government. The framers of the US constitution were very aware of these notions.

The second statement you make above suggests that the only options a former President has are either to be a Supreme Court judge or to cut brush. That’s obviously not the case. I suggested we’d see him in a UN role, which is FAR more likely anyway than a judge.


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