[Magdalen] Books

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 11:30:21 UTC 2016

See my post.  I read them in chronological order, except two in the 
middle and I regret that lapse.  There is an important subplot running 
through the series and one learns more and more about it with each 
book.  Also the development of the cast of characters is important as 
they are revealed in each story.  The interplay of characters and their 
motivations is key.

Google is your friend for all things Louise Penny.

Still Life 	(2005) 	
A Fatal Grace 	(2007) 	
The Cruelest Month 	(2008) 	
The Murder Stone 	(2009) 	
The Brutal Telling 	(2009) 	
Bury Your Dead 	(2010) 	
The Hangman 	(2010) 	
A Trick of the Light 	(2011) 	
The Beautiful Mystery 	(2012) 	
How the Light Gets In 	(2013) 	
The Long Way Home 	(2014) 	
The Nature of the Beast 	(2015) 	
The Great Reckoning 	(2016) 	

*Notes:* /Dead Cold/ was also published as /A Fatal Grace/. /The Murder 
Stone/ was also titled/A Rule Against Murder/.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/30/2016 10:41 PM, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> I picked up one of her books at the library recently, remembering that she came highly recommended by someone here, but then I didn't get it read before it was due.  So now I'm wondering: do the books need to be read in order?  If so, is there a chronological list somewhere?
> Grace Cangialosi
> "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
> On July 28, 2016, at 10:49 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
> I absorbed earlier conversations here about Louise Penny and, starting
> last September, I plowed through all eleven of her books and am waiting
> for the 12th this August.  Because of the complex interplay of the
> hearts and minds of the characters, I have begun to reread them and am
> at #3.  It is fascinating to revisit the people and plots knowing what I
> know now and  being freed from 'who done it' and able to focus on what
> is really going on in these clever books.
> Join me in a /café au lait/, Renee.
> Marion, a pilgrim
> On 7/28/2016 10:32 PM, flyingfish224--- via Magdalen wrote:
>> One of my peeps on this list recommended the works of Louise Penny.
>> I remember not who made the recommendation, but I am SWOONING with pleasure.
>> I confess I am binge-reading and am on book 7 of the series.
>> Thank you for a wonderful summer.
>> Renee
>> Who is abstaining from the political fracas - for the moment
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 28, 2016, at 10:03 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I did the math a long time ago and am convinced that Ted Cruz is the
>>> reincarnation of Joseph R. McCarthy, but after listening to Rev. William
>>> Barber tonight, I'm wondering if the dates would coincide correctly for him
>>> to be the reincarnation of Dr. Martin Luther King. He sure sounded like it!
>>> On Thursday, July 28, 2016, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
>>> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>>>> In a message dated 7/28/2016 7:49:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>>>> gingawilder at gmail.com <javascript:;> writes:
>>>> I spent  the better part of Saturday reading online The Atantic Magazine's
>>>> "The Mind  of Donald Trump" (June 2016).  Chilling.  Straight forward.   I
>>>> pray this man will not be elected president.  (For those on this  list who
>>>> think it wrong to publish such an article or to point it out for  others to
>>>> read, I apologize.  I believe this clearly done case study  merits  sharing
>>>> widely.)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>> Just one of article after article in newspapers and newsmagazines
>>>> detailing
>>>> Trumps inadequacies and come to the conclusion that he would be  a
>>>> terrible President.
>>>> The trouble is that Trump supporters don't read these things, and  don't
>>>> seem to care anyway.  The man, to his ardent supporters, can do no  wrong.
>>>> David S.

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