[Magdalen] Thanks to all.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 03:10:01 UTC 2016

Well, I am no fan of Fentanyl. For one thing, I have discovered it gives me
a raging headache (2+2 following my second encounter with it), and for the
other, it was the drug of choice of my former DIL. In the first case I need
to communicate that to all future surgeons. In the second, she is no longer
my problem.

On Saturday, June 4, 2016, M J _Mike_ Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> I really want to thank you all for bearing with me (and continuing into
> the future doing so ;-)= , as I traverse long-overdue medical stuff.  Even
> Doc Hematologist at Stanford said "You're really hitting all the major
> points in a relatively short timeframe, aren't you?"  I said "Not me; IT'S
> happening TO me!"
> And a shout out for those who mentioned Versed.  I got half that, and half
> Fentanyl (horribly, of Prince recent fame).  But like I said, I nearly
> swear they just pretended to put anything into that port.  But, then again,
> even though I was none the worse for intellectual wear during it all, maybe
> the pain replaced by mere sensation ("Sensation is senssation." - Sam:
> Johnson), IS due directly to the referenced chemicals.  When I asked and
> the nurse said Versed, I said, Hey! That's what I was instructed to request!

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