[Magdalen] Location, Location, Location.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 5 18:52:23 UTC 2016

On 05/06/2016 18:27, Charles Wohlers wrote:
> She was speaking of RC priests who have left the priesthood so as to 
> get married - not retired priests. We have a friend who was an RC 
> (Paulist) priest who got married, and then had a successful career as 
> an Episcopal priest in the Dio. of Mass.
> Of course, allowing RC priests to get married and continue to serve 
> would solve their clergy shortage in a flash.

The priest now serving my last parish is such a convert from RC to 
Anglican.  He brings another dimension since he is Portugese (with an 
Italian mother) and was a priest in Brazil.


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