[Magdalen] DioVA - Regions & Retreats

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 23:09:40 UTC 2016

I'm glad to hear that the regional presidents are getting together for a retreat--I didn't know you did that. I'm also glad there is finally some revisioning of the regional structure; many of the boundaries no longer make sense. In addition, the purpose of the regional structure isn't entirely clear. Some regions do a lot of things together; others don't. Our region operates a thrift store that funds outreach programs in the region. Another region has hired a youth minister to develop programs for the region's young people. I went to the dean's meeting as a substitute for our Dean last week, and there was a report from the task force looking at this question. You'll probably hear from the same folks.
In any case, just being at Shrinemont is a Good Thing, as you know...

On June 14, 2016, at 3:08 PM, cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear ones,

In the early 1970's, the Diocese of Virginia, in an effort to
communicate better and to encourage congregations to work together,
put together groups of churches called Regions. Each region originally
had about 5,000 communicants in as many churches as it took to make up
that number, fewer in cities, more in rural areas. Our small church
(the only Episcopal church in our county) is a member of Region 13
along with 19 other small-to-medium churches. This year, I am the
president of the Region 13 council.

The Regional President's Retreat is at Shrine Mont this
Friday-Saturday. The Diocese is "re-visioning" the regions. Hmmm. That
could be interesting.

Prayer pats please - it's been a long year of revisions for me with
more in the works.

Thank you,


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