[Magdalen] Brexit 2nd vote?

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 26 06:56:18 UTC 2016

On 26/06/2016 02:07, Scott Knitter wrote:
> I saw an analysis of the petition to Parliament to have a second
> referendum (which I assume would be a chance to change minds now that
> everyone's had a chance to be educated a bit on all the various
> consequences); the analysis said the main problem is the retroactivity
> of it: Let's vote again because neither Leave nor Remain achieved 60%
> and turnout wasn't 75% or something. Sort of like applying new rules
> to an already-played game to make it turn out differently. Maybe there
> are other aspects to this, though. But mostly I don't see much
> optimism that this petition will work. For something as momentous as
> this, I'm a little surprised a simple majority was all that was
> needed. But of course the rules can be set only before, not after, the
> vote.

OTOH setting a super-majority raises the possibility of a disaffected 
majority if they don't get to the stipulated proportion.  The question 
will be debated in Parliament but whether or not the Members will be 
willing to pass the legislation to allow a second go is another matter, 
as Ferdinand and I have said.


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