[Magdalen] Canonical residence

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 13 13:08:36 UTC 2016

On 13/03/2016 11:07, Christopher Hart wrote:
> My guess is that our Presiding Bishop remains canonically resident in the
> diocese he or she was in before being elected as PB, but I can't say that
> for certain. ++Griswold does not AFAIK participate in ecclesiastical
> activities here in the Philadelphia area other than an occasional
> invitation to preach or celebrate somewhere. If my guess is correct,
> however, his canonical residency would be Chicago. Our former bishop (now
> twice removed), Allen Bartlett, was present and voting yesterday. Charles
> Bennison was not.

Probably sensible on Charles Bennison's part.


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