[Magdalen] Dental prayers please

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 16:42:41 UTC 2016

I heard about this guy on a segment of "secrets of the museum" They showed
a bucket of teeth, and it was the bucket of a dentist named Painless
Parker. He promised that if you felt any pain, he would compensate you. A
really interesting story. Read all about it here:


Truth IS stranger than fiction.  You can't make this stuff up.

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Susan Hagen <susanvhagen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear sibs,
> Tomorrow morning I go for my dental implant, the next stage in the
> saga both of both dental and financial woes.  It has also been a sucky
> week at work, so much that at least tomorrow has the compensation that
> I will face it with anesthesia.  Could you spare me a few prayers
> around 10:30 DST?
> Thanks,
> Susan
> --
> The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among
> you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the
> land of Egypt.
> Leviticus 19:34

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