[Magdalen] Announcement!

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 13:19:45 UTC 2016

Congratulations on having come full circle.  May you be blessed in your 
new position.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/27/2016 4:26 PM, Lesley de Voil wrote:
> It is with much pleasure that I can announce to all my friends that I
> have accepted the position of Director of Music at All Saints' Church,
> Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. I feel particularly blessed by this event,
> as ASWT is where I started my 60-year long journey in Christian
> service through music.
> ASWT was once a bastion of Anglo-Catholicism in a sea of relatively
> low-church liturgical practice, although that is no longer so obvious
> (and no, ASWT has not changed - the Diocese has.) Here I was
> introduced to plainsong. here the sermon would contain reference to
> the visual and dramatic arts, here the conversation was intellectually
> stimulating to this rather sheltered teenager. It was not until quite
> some years later that I  realised how fortunate I had been!
> I will now have responsibility for a professional quartet, with
> "satellite singers" for special occasions, as well as opportunity to
> involve other instrumentalists  regularly.
> As well, I was fortunate enough to be working for the organbuilder
> when the ASWT Lewis organ was rebuilt a few years ago, so I know the
> instrument quite well (It will certainly contain my DNA from my sweat,
> if not my blood  and tears!)
> I will be sad to leave the parish where I have been very happy for the
> past five years, in fact I would have been content to retire from
> musical practice altogether from that place, but the present
> opportunity is one I could not pass by.
> Regards
> Lesley de Voil

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