[Magdalen] If they were only bigger, they'd eat you

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Wed May 4 04:51:30 UTC 2016

There were two news video clips I saw this week.  The first  pictured
a Great Horned Owl taking a cat on the wing, and the other was of
a Bald Eagel's nest where an adult was feeding a cat to its young.
It just goes to show that free roaming cats (outdoor/indoor) are
dangerous to the felines.  
On the subject of feral cats, I have a small brood of them under one  of
my storage sheds.  I'm not quite sure what, if anything, to do about  this
situation.  I am unhappy that there will probably be no chipmonks  this
year as cats are very efficient at wiping them out.
David Strang.

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