[Magdalen] The "fear"; was, Medical update (& honestly, getting' a little scary).

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri May 6 02:26:05 UTC 2016

Hugs, Mike, while you wrestle with the fear.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/5/2016 10:12 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
> I've been meaning to mention all day but kept forgeting.  I hope the "little scary" in the subject line didn't get too conflated with the fear of the pain of any potential bone marrow biopsy.  (I can easily understand if it did.)
> Hug
> The scary is about why they're sending me to the hematologist.  The ever-rising white blood count, just since January when I started with them (and who knows, maybe even before).  They're real clear:  they've never been able to completely rule out a cancer that has merely eluded them to date.  (Hence also their eagerness for my colonoscopy.)  And for me this "abnormally elevated" white blood count strikes home:  my Pop was only able to take one chemo treatment, because his white blood count wouldn't level out enough for second and future ones.  And with my family and personal history, it should be clear why I'm scared shitless.  Yes, ultimately, the pain of any future biopsies pales in comparison to what I fear from that white blood count.

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