[Magdalen] Suffer The Little Children?

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Sun May 8 21:11:37 UTC 2016

I am aware of a parish that has a regular practice of inviting
the toddlers to come forward to surround the altar during the Canon/
Eucharistic Prayer.  At the conclusion of this Prayer, the  presider
shakes their hands and they trundle back to their families in  the pews.
These children have all been baptized, but are too young for  Confirmation
and regular communion which occurs there at age 10.  As a  result,
these toddlers do not take communion which is the obvious outcome
of the Eucharistic Prayer which they have witnessed.
IOW the children have witnessed a Liturgy from
which they are then excluded.  
I'm all for involving children in the Liturgy, but is this the right way  to
do so?.
David Strang

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