[Magdalen] Whither Pentecost Sequence.

Joseph Cirou romanos at mindspring.com
Sun May 15 05:22:02 UTC 2016

My 25th anniversary celebration was on Pentecost Sunday, 1994. I commissioned Bill Ferris to write a setting of the Alleluia verse and sequence. He never talked to be about publishing it.
The alleluia is memorable and we used it frequently at St. Aelred's when I moved to Atlanta. I don't if the Sequence has been performed since my anniversary. It used Andy Greely's translation.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
>Sent: May 14, 2016 11:57 PM
>To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
>Cc: Cantor03 at aol.com
>Subject: [Magdalen] Whither Pentecost Sequence.
>One of the four or five traditional Sequence hymns to be sung on
>feastdays and special occasions is the Veni Sancte Spiritus of
>the Western Pentecost Liturgy.  Sequences are to be sung either
>before the Alleulia (if used) or before the Gospel of the  Eucharist.
>TEC Hymnal of 1982 preserves the Pentecost Sequence Hymn
>("Come Thou Holy Spirit Bright"  - # 226)  It is rather long and  in
>chant form.  I suppose many parishes consider it too difficult and  skip
>it altogether, and that's a shame.
>When I was singing in choirs, we had fun with the Pentecost Sequence
>by singing alternate verses in regular meter, then the syncopated  version
>in the Hymnal, and finally in "organum" where one group parallels the
>tune two or three full steps higher or lower.  It certainly wasn't a  bore.
>The Pentecost Sequence is obligatory in the Roman Catholic Liturgy
>for the day, but in my experience it is rarely sung.  I'll bet they  sing
>it at Saint Peter's, however, and I'll be watching EWTN to see!
>David Strang - putting on his liturgical police  hat.

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