[Magdalen] An update or two; + a small prayer request.

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Fri May 20 10:09:38 UTC 2016

Walking with you Mike 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 19, 2016, at 11:37 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com> wrote:

1)  Work has been going rather well, mainly because I've been feeling much better lately, so I'm getting my assignments done in more than a timely fashion.  Plus, my boss had a talking-to by our division chief about "How not to talk to [Mike]", etc.  We're a good team, when I'm not being trashed on a daily basis.  Funny, that.

2)  Once my shin and feet ulcers started showing clear signs of healing on their own, I opted to go a bit beyond the instruction to put the steroidal ointment on the Neosporin-rash, and actually put it on everything, ulcers included.  Within 24 hours, I had the clear vision of being able to forgo bandaging and wear nothing but white socks again, within a couple weeks.  I even go un-bandaged from after work till morning, when I re-bandage while watching MNSBC before work.  And, the nodules just under the skin are subsiding, noticeably.

3)  Prayer request, basically.  The appointment next Thursday with the hematologist has gotten me more worried than heretofore, and I imagine I'm merely now experiencing personally what my dermatologic docs are experiencing in their professional capacity:  Just what the hell has my white blood count up so goddamned high?  I feel better than I've felt in months, so clearly I'm not beset with a massive infection of sorts.  High white blood count generally means only one thing (right?).  And with my family, and personal, history ... I'm even starting to have "cancer dreams".  Granted, in the best one so far I was actually quite calm about facing a short time to remain above ground, and even looked forward to the End.  But, still.  Dammit.

And it didn't help that my 84-yr-old apartment manager told me today on the phone, seemingly (sic) in passing, that he has advanced prostate cancer.  "...Oh?" says I; "Treatment?"  "Don't know yet."  Eerily similar.

I genuinely feel like shit right now.  But I also felt compelled to share.  My apologies to the rank and file.

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