[Magdalen] Requesting prayers: Janice (and me, too)

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Sun May 22 19:15:07 UTC 2016

My prayers.....

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, <thedonboyd at austin.rr.com> wrote:

> Sistren and brethren, I bid your prayers for Janice, who's been admitted
> to hospital by way of the emergency room for observation and treatment of
> (apparently) an exacerbation of her COPD manifested as nonstop coughing and
> shortness of breath.  She is as you know still having pain from C1 and C2
> fractures sustained in the car wreck (and from a more recent fracture
> (cause and occasion unknown) at T7 that is healing but hurts when she
> coughs.  She is, and I am, hoping that this hospital visit will be of short
> duration.  We were lucky to get to the ER before the Saturday evening rush,
> so she was seen (and treatment started) promptly after our arrival.
> TBTG for nurses who know what they're doing, who actually care about hurt
> and sick folks and manage to remain calm and kind when their patients' pain
> and anxiety suppresses normal "niceness."
> Don
> in Austin

Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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