[Magdalen] Final hymns...

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 16:38:49 UTC 2016

So, name their names. You are not doing anything but telling the truth.

On Nov 3, 2016 4:21 PM, "sheila ketler via Magdalen" <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> Greetings everyoneThis morning I sat with hymnal in hand and I went
> through and chose the last four Sundays whichare the 4 Sundays in Advent.
> These are the last four that I may ever play as I have no idea if I
> willeven be able to get another job. The job situation is tight within our
> part of the Diocese especiallyas they are closing churches down and as less
> churches need organists there will of course beless jobs. I also went ahead
>  and chose the hymns for Christmas Eve trying to slot in everyone'sfavorite
> carols!! An apology to Doug C. I know how much he dislikes the c word! but
> hey it isChristmas and I know that they have to be sung... This makes me
> feel very sad and I justreally want to get these 8 weeks done and over with
> so I can get on with my life... I have neversaid the name of the church or
> the Diocese I am in for the sake of privacy for my employer... but Ifeel as
> if I have been kicked to the curb not one person has said they are sorry I
> will be out of a job -making me think that they just don't care. It is a
> reality and the employees are the ones who willsuffer - the priests will be
> employed at other parishes it is only the musicians and secretaries
> andcaretakers who will be out of work with no recourse. No severance no
> parting gifts zip... just a kickin our backs as we exit the door!!
> Sheila

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