[Magdalen] Peace at the bitter end

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 11:23:08 UTC 2016

Praying for the child, the mother and all family, and for you, Sally.  May
God be with you, each and all.


On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 12:33 AM, Sally Davies <sally.davies at gmail.com>

> Dear Friends
> I do not normally reach out with work situations but as I sit in the car
> park outside the hospital this morning, I am broken hearted that I may have
> to witness the death of a small child this morning. He has been in ICU for
> six months and may be considered brain dead, they are going to stop the
> ventilator and see what happens.
> His medical condition leaves no hope of survival though family and friends,
> of course, cling on.
> His mother has undergone this personal Calvary despite being very unwell
> herself, she never leaves the hospital. I don't think I have ever witnessed
> so much pain, wave after wave of it.
> Please pray for them and for me.
> It is a reminder that no matter what goes on in politics or the world (our
> Rand currently on a nose dive and for once it is unrelated to our own
> criminal President) - there are always those who need love, care and
> whatever comfort is available.
> Sally D

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