[Magdalen] NPR now

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 20:41:50 UTC 2016

Sadly, NPR no longer reaches us from its old place on the dial. I can 
now only receive it to a greater or lesser extent on my car radio : - 
((((  often too faint or blurry to listen to regularly, and probably 
living even farther away doesn't help.  I used to be a regular.

But wasn't it grand hearing Obama praise her in memoriam during his news 

Marion, a pilgrim

On 11/14/2016 3:21 PM, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> There's a program on NPR right now awaiting Obama's news conference. It is featuring their top news commentators, who at the moment are discussing some of the fallout from the election, and it is truly terrifying. But I'm going to keep listening; I want to hear the whole thing.

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