[Magdalen] Bishops' choices of funeral hymns

Ian Gomersall ian.gomersall at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 21:08:09 UTC 2016

This post on our church blog


is about Church of England bishops' choice of funeral hymns. It's led to
some interest.

I was interested that a TEC priest said she'd never hear any of the hymns
mentioned! That seemed to me extraoridinary - but maybe the pond difference
is bigger than I thought!

Anyone any comments?

I did wonder if in TEC certain hymns were more popular in certian parts of
the states / dioceses..
This could explain why one TEC person told me 'The Strife is O'er' is
popualr at Epsicopal funerals, yet this preists has never heard of it.

Best wishes for Advent


*Ian Gomersall*

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