[Magdalen] this morning's sermon

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 17:15:13 UTC 2016

I also preached on the Psalm, having found a really wonderful reflection/commentary on it and wanting to deal with that awful last verse. The reader this morning hadn't looked ahead, and because of the way the verses occurred, he had to read that verse alone--he has a two-year-old daughter and said he nearly choked on it.
I did, however, find a way to connect the Psalm with the first part of the Gospel.

> On Oct 2, 2016, at 1:04 PM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
> David Eckel again
> (Thank you, Jesus)
> Strangely (but not really, I guess) he preached on the psalm.
> Talked about the American Jeremiad (Google if a new term)
> About John Winthrop, the City on a Hill, the Puritans
> (a particularly attention-getting-and-holding ploy for this congregation
> IMO).
> And a poem I'll try to find and post.
> An intensely political sermon, but not in any obvious way.
> At the door I told him he's a sly bastard, and he laughed.
> I bet he's heard it before.
> -M

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