[Magdalen] 'Re: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 13:46:58 UTC 2016

Likewise the Whitevale house was bombarded each autumn with tennis ball 
size walnuts.  Our bedroom and the family room HQ were right under these 
massive trees.  Eeeesh!  Port Hope is not free of them, some big ones 
'over there' and there is now a large adolescent tree on the other side 
of my lane (they grow so fast!!!!) but not mine to remove.  Likewise the 
rapidly-growing Manitoba maple on the other side that 'the wife likes', 
probably because it hides my place somewhat (shortly to be a lot!). 
Tricky.  These darn things are simply squirrel planted or seedlings on 
the fenceline down by me, not part of someone's pretty plan.  In the one 
growing season, the main sunny border of my new garden has become 
noticeably shadier.  Grrrrrrrr.  Still, musn't grumble.  I might have to 
indulge in some guerilla garrotting after dark.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 10/20/2016 6:24 PM, Jay Weigel wrote:
> I am serious. Up in the loft where I was, the walnuts hit the roof with the
> sound of small bombs. If one happens to hit a skylight just right, it
> almost sounds like a shotgun blast. The first time it happened when I was
> up there I went tearing down the ladder and into the house as fast as I
> could. S/O had to reassure me that "It's only walnuts, love." They still
> unnerve me.
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 6:21 PM, P. Dan Brittain <pdan.brittain at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Chad, if you would like to have more black walnut seedlings, be pleased
>> to
>>> come to our homestead in VA and take all you want, FREE!
>> ​North Arkansas, the same.​
>>> Jay, who spent the entire afternoon in the workshop being bombarded by
>>> falling walnuts
>> ​If we don't ​make a pass through the yard daily and gather the nuts to put
>> out by the curb for the gleaners or street sweeper, we end up with a
>> forest.
>> When I was teaching, gathering the nuts was a decent fundraiser. 2-3
>> pickups and 12 kids or so, and you could make $200 + in a couple of hours
>> work. Don't know what Hammons is paying now, but when I was doing this, it
>> was about $12 per 100 lbs hulled. We still have several hulling stations
>> within a close distance. A quick check - Hammons is paying $15 per 100 this
>> year.   http://tinyurl.com/hcb3bne
>> --
>> P. Dan Brittain
>> Harrison, Arkansas
>> http//:pdanbrittain.com
>> <http://pdanbrittain.com>* <http://pdanbrittain.com/>*
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