[Magdalen] Something we should probably all be praying about (LONG)

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 14:02:08 UTC 2016

Here is a Facebook post from an artist I follow, Charlene Holy Bear:
I am Standing Rock and Cheyenne River. My son and I are watching. My seven
year old son sees me cry and knows what his tribe is fighting for. It
humbles me, how much he understands. Prayers to our fighters and protectors.

(BTW, she makes beautiful beaded creations. Check them out and Like her

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:53 AM, cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jay, Rick,
> Agreed. More of the "trickle-down" of disrespect.
> Wishing I could do more, nevertheless,
> praying hard -
> Cady
> On 9/6/16, Rick Mashburn <ricklmashburn at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I agree with you completely, Jay. I don't know the whole story yet...but
> > what I do know doesn't sound right. Definitely needs more coverage!
> >
> > Peace, Rick
> >
> > On Sep 6, 2016 8:33 AM, "Jay Weigel" <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> The so-called "mainstream media" is pretty much ignoring this story. I
> >> don't know whether they don't consider it important, whether they are
> >> afraid of offending Big Oil, or what. About the only outlets that are
> >> covering it are NPR and some of the progressive ones such as the
> Lawrence
> >> O'Donnell show on MSNBC and various shows that are available online. It
> >> is,
> >> however, getting fairly extensive publicity via Facebook and Twitter.
> >>
> >> I'm speaking of the Native American protest of the pipeline across
> Indian
> >> land in North Dakota. This is important on a number of fronts, not only
> >> because it is peaceful (strictly enforced rules in the camps against
> >> alcohol, drugs and firearms) but because of the cooperation among tribes
> >> on
> >> a scale not seen before, and because of what they are  protesting. This
> >> is
> >> a good account of what is going on there;
> >> http://www.outsideonline.com/2111206/whats-happening-standing-rock
> >>
> >> "Security forces" in the pay of the oil company attacked the protesters
> >> Saturday with dogs and pepper spray while police stood by watching.
> >> Several
> >> protesters were injured and had to be taken to hospitals. The Standing
> >> Rock
> >> Sioux Nation has a hearing scheduled for a restraining order against the
> >> oil company in Federal Appeals Court, but of course the Labor Day
> holiday
> >> got in the way of that, and meanwhile the oil company bulldozed
> ancestral
> >> graves on Indian land. Yes, you heard that...on the reservation. And the
> >> Corps of Engineers has admitted there is no "right of eminent domain" to
> >> that land.
> >>
> >> Here in Virginia people are protesting against a pipeline that would
> take
> >> private farmland and also go through national forests and national
> parks,
> >> and pretty much for the same reasons.....pipelines have been proven
> >> unsafe.
> >> They break frequently and pollute the land and most importantly, the
> >> WATER.
> >> Sneer at Wikipedia if you want, but it's invaluable for this kind of
> >> thing--here's a list of pipeline accidents *just since 2000*:
> >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_
> >> the_United_States_in_the_21st_century
> >>
> >> Nobody wants their water source polluted, and least of all in the
> >> water-poor areas of North Dakota and on the reservations. That's the
> main
> >> thing our Native brothers and sisters are protesting and we should ALL
> be
> >> protesting. The other is that once again, treaties are disregarded and
> >> here
> >> comes someone to take their land, this time a big corporation.
> >>
> >> There are some hard questions here, people. Why do big corporations get
> >> to
> >> run over the rights of people to clean water and clean air and
> unpolluted
> >> land? Why are they allowed to take land that was given to people *by the
> >> government*, supposedly "in perpetuity"? Why are peaceful protests
> >> ignored
> >> by the media? Why are "private security forces" allowed to attack
> >> peaceful
> >> protesters?
> >>
> >> Oh, and by the way, the protests in Virginia don't get any coverage
> >> either.
> >>
> >> <rant mode off>
> >>
> >> Jay, getting off the soapbox but feeling very strongly about this one
> >> thing
> >> today
> >>
> >

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