[Magdalen] Flood

P. Dan Brittain pdan.brittain at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 05:21:48 UTC 2016

On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 6:14 AM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> There have been freaky rains 6" - 13" in a large chunk of USA
> States of Minnesota and Wisconsin that are now in flood stage.
> The Cannon River has flooded portions of Carleton College in
> Northfield, MN.  My previous home area of Eau Claire is  nervously
> watching the Chippewa River that is already flooding small areas
> on riverbank.

​My wife is spending​ the night in Eau Claire (she is returning home from a
trip to Thunder Bay). She is on her way to our son's place in Iowa.

> Fortunately, the Mississippi River and major tributary, the Minnesota
> River flow through the Twin Cities Metro Area in a gorge which  renders
> these cities flood free, even though the rivers are very high.

​We usually cut across country to Rochester, MN​. She has heard about some
flooding in the areas she will be driving and is exploring alternatives.

​I just arrived in Warsaw (PL)​ last night for the Poland Sacred Harp
Convention today and tomorrow.

P. Dan Brittain
Harrison, Arkansas

<http://pdanbrittain.com>* <http://pdanbrittain.com/>*
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