[Magdalen] Cruz on Trump

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 25 22:24:26 UTC 2016

On 25/09/2016 21:07, Scott Knitter wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Roger Stokes
> <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> I thought that the current President has great difficulty getting things
>> through Congres and the whole system is in stalemate.  It would help if
>> Congree did its proper jon of looking at what (and who) the President
>> proposes and having a reasoned debates on the merits of the proposal.
> That would require a fair-mindedness and a let's-get-things-done
> attitude, where too often these days it's a
> let's-thwart-the-president-at-every-turn one. It seems normal that the
> president should have to "sell" proposed bills to the Congress, but
> what doesn't seem right to me is the completely partisan stonewalling.

I think anybody who is prepared to consider things rationally would 
agree with us there. The current prime example is in regard to the 
nomination of Marrick Garland to the Supreme Court which the current 
majority party in the Senate will not even consider.  I have no 
objection to the Senate having the power to vet nominees for federal 
positions to ascertain whether or not they have the necessary skills for 
the post to which they have been nominated. What I think is 
inappropriate is saying that the relevant committee is not even going to 
consider the nomination.


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