[Magdalen] More weather

Lesley de Voil lesleymdv at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 23:29:34 UTC 2017

My daughter, granddaughter and self will next month be moving to the city. We will inherit a number of large ceramic pots that the current owners are unable to fit into their downsizing apartment. What a disappointment - for them, that is. We also offered to take the single goldfish in a lovely huge half-barrel, but he (or she) is a member of the family and will be relocated holus bolus.
Lesley de Voil

Sent from my iPad

> On 1 May 2017, at 07:38, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> No clay pots for me! No way, nohow, no time! Ceramic or resin are my
> preferred ones, although the new fakecrete ones are great too, especially
> in size humongous. If I have to repot Gigantor, the enormous hosta, that's
> the next stop for him!
> On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 5:19 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Clay pots ( terra-cotta) were always my go to pots in general and
>> especially if I was starting a cutting. Not down in TX though - I swear the
>> pot ends up wicking moisture right out of the soil. Plants have even died :
>> (
>> Lynn
>> On Apr 30, 2017, at 12:20 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's all in a huge pot. When the mint gets to rowdy, I dig up part of it
>> and throw it in the yard where it can take its chances. Or not. :-D
>> On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Roger Stokes <
>> roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>> Fowers in among mint? What chance do they stand? Mont takes over
>>> everything.
>>> Roger
>>>> On 30/04/2017 14:24, Jay Weigel wrote:
>>>> Very warm in this corner or northern Virginia yesterday, promising to be
>>>> so
>>>> today to too before it rains and cools down somewhat next week. If my
>>>> greenhouse lady wasn't a devout Mennonite who closes on Sunday, I'd nip
>>>> over for some more plants, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I
>>>> got
>>>> herbs into their pots on the deck Friday, and they look very happy. My
>>>> mint
>>>> plants overwintered quite well in their pot, and I'll put some flowers
>> in
>>>> among them.

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