[Magdalen] Interesting review, new New Testament translation

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Mon Dec 11 06:50:55 UTC 2017

>>>As for the Bible being "A Book," I run into that opinion among the
terminally hostily Secular and among the equally hostile  Fundamentalists

Having been a "No Fun"-damentalist for many years long long ago, I've pretty much heard, and said, it all.

But the most assinine thing I ever heard was how the word "bible" was in fact a code.  The letters stand for "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth".  I asked "And what about the same word in other languages?"

Conversation (sic) ended there.

M J (Mike) Logsdon.

"Aaugh[.]" -- Charles Brown.
"Avoid dull needles and use a soft cloth." -- E Kovacs.

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