[Magdalen] A Federal Ban on Making Lethal Viruses Is Lifted - NYTimes.com

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 22 00:28:38 UTC 2017

On 21/12/2017 19:33, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> So much that will have to be fixed when Voldemort is out of office. Hope
> someone is keeping a list.
> This has to be at or near the top, although I shudder to think of all the
> stuff V's doing that doesn't happen to get in the news.
> Like rescinding the term limits for the president.....

He would have difficulty with that one as it would require a 
constitutional amendment and I can't see that getting a two-thirds 
majority in the Senate let alone ratification by most states. Failing 
that even if he refuses to leave the White House his authority would 
automatically lapse when his successor should be sworn in. Mind you, he 
probably doesn't realise that.


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