[Magdalen] Jesuits call Dakota pipeline work "morally unacceptable"

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 00:20:44 UTC 2017

I did know about the original route through Bismarck, and I was sorry there wasn't much more attention given to that by the media.

My father's family was from ND, some in Fargo and some in Bismarck, and his brother was a lawyer and involved in state politics at one point.

When my ex-husband and I went out for a visit in '69,  one of my uncles said with some pride that they didn't have any problem with "the coloreds" there.  Of course, there basically weren't any, but let any Native Americans move in next door, and there'd have been Hell  to pay. I did not, however, point that out...

My father grew up in Fargo and had never seen an African-American until he went into the Army in WWII.

> On Feb 23, 2017, at 6:33 Shand andPM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an online subscription to the Jesuit magazine America, which I find
> very interesting and thought-provoking. This was in today's e-mail
> reminder:
> http://americamagazine.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=638077ef72a53c785713d1aa2&id=8f1e6a09f1&e=71f05678ee
> The pope has spoken before about water being a fundamental right, and about
> the rights of indigenous peoples. The way the state of North Dakota, the
> local sheriff's department, the DAPL goons, and even the US government have
> treated the protesters, who have been peaceful, has been appalling. It does
> not make me proud to be an American.
> How many of you know that the pipeline was originally supposed to go
> through Bismarck and under their water supply, but was re-routed because
> the people of Bismarck (white people) protested, citing health concerns?
> But when the indigenous people protested, citing the same concerns *plus*
> the fact that it would go through burial grounds of their people, their
> concerns counted for nothing. They have been shot with rubber bullets,
> beaten, sprayed with water cannons in freezing weather, tear-gassed, pepper
> sprayed, and arrested on spurious charges. The North Dakota legislature
> even tried to pass a law excusing people who "accidentally" run over
> protesters.
> I am appalled to live in a country that behaves like this and CONTINUES to
> behave like this.

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