[Magdalen] so we're sitting by the pool

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 26 09:28:17 UTC 2017

On 26/02/2017 01:58, Marion Thompson wrote:
> No, I haven't yet had or seen an organized boycott one.  I am more 
> aware of individuals known to me thinking twice about what they may or 
> may not do.

I am another one considering where to go this year and fairly certain it 
will not be the USA. In an atmosphere such as I see described in the 
media, which I do not believe to be fake news, anything could blow up 
anytime. Yes, I know they are isolated incidents but divisiveness breeds 
an inflammable atmosphere.


> On 2/25/2017 8:40 PM, Sibyl Smirl wrote:
>> Marion, have you gotten one or more of those?  The one Charles shared 
>> appeared most specifically anti-Trump (and wanting to punish the 
>> non-Trump US for letting him get elected).
>> On 2/25/17 7:19 PM, Marion Thompson wrote:
>>> Not so much Trump-haters as deploring what is happening to your fine
>>> country and not wanting to risk the uncertainties of crossing your
>>> border.  Sad!
>>> Marion, a pilgrim
>>> On 2/25/2017 5:15 PM, Jay Weigel wrote:
>>>> Tourism to the US is down considerably, and will be down more, I 
>>>> suspect,
>>>> particularly from Down Under after the detention of Mem Fox, 
>>>> Australian
>>>> children's author, yesterday. Apparently the Customs people claimed 
>>>> she
>>>> "didn't have the right visa"...but she did.
>>>> On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Sibyl Smirl <polycarpa3 at ckt.net> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> There's an organized boycott of US vacations going on among Canadian
>>>>> Trump-haters.  I got a share on Facebook from Charles de Lint (I'm a
>>>>> major
>>>>> fan of his, have, have read, and love all his books) and a FB 
>>>>> friend as
>>>>> well as member of his mythic fan group.

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