[Magdalen] how long have I been hanging around with you folks

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 21 05:13:53 UTC 2017

>>>1996 though I sometimes think it has been forever.
There are a lot of memories in Simon's lists.<<<

Amen, brother.  This list has, albeit intermittently until recent years, seen me go from a hardcore 1928'er to a Tridentine Old Roman priest, to a mainstream Episcopalian who leans so far left he's lying flush on the ground.  And bring into the world a now nearly 19-yr-old boy (exactly one week away, for that matter).  And what was the name of that priest I had a running argument with about who was better, Newman or Kingsley?  We were Facebook friends before I renounced that den of iniquity forever.  His name's on the tip of my tongue....

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